Now On!

Now published on as I feel that it's been cooking in the oven for a while (like 4 days of staying up late lol) and I'm quite proud of how it currently is. I have a looooong ways to go before I find myself to be decent at this thing but I want to keep pushing on, learning how to properly do things, make the game smaller oh my god why is it 100mb right now, and make more games once I top this one off in the future. Any support is great, especially if things go wrong, please tell me so I can bandaid it together.

For now, this is what's on the to-do list:

- make an objective/way to clear the game

- finish decorating the area

- optimize files

- minor details and fixes

But I do have an idea for where to take this game. :)


layout 100 MB
May 06, 2024

Get layout

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